Saturday, October 27, 2012

"Why are all the pictures on your phone of food!!" 
It's a question I get asked pretty often. In my defense not ALL the pictures on my phone are of food, just something like 85% of them are......
A couple years back a good friend of mine who is an avid blogger pointed out that given how much of my monthly budget I spend on food (I won't go into details, but lets just say that I have probably single-handedly  keep several mom and pops restaurants in business) I should start a food blog. It seemed like a really cool idea to me at the time, and a solid excuse to go food exploring. 
Four years and a relocation to DC later, my phone is over loaded with food pics but I have failed to write a single paragraph about any of it. So, I'm going to try and change that. If nothing else this should help free up from space on my phone..........

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